“The Great Lies” – Pastor’s Pen June 2024

1 Peter 3: 10-13

We all get tempted. Leading a life of integrity in relationships is not easy. There are temptations all around, and at times, the pull can get really strong, especially when it comes to sex, money, and power. It’s nothing new. The Bible has plenty of stories of people who were tempted to cheat on their partners. Plenty of them gave in, too. Plenty of them believed lies like this:

“Stolen water is sweet, food eaten in secret is delicious.”

Proverbs 9:17

It’s such a deception, though. Stolen water is never sweet for long, and food eaten in secret is empty. The cold reality is that sin drags us away from freedom and light. Ask someone who has been through the experience of drugs, affairs, or deception. The buzz lasts but a minute. The dark sense of being manipulated by sensations leads to fear and shame – and the shame is always the hard part.

“But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the realm of the dead.”

Proverbs 9:18

That’s why Peter’s words are so important to us.

“Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good, they must seek peace and pursue it.”

1 Peter 3: 10-13

God is on your side. He knows what it is like to be tempted and what it takes to resist. His promise is that we will never be tempted beyond what He can help us resist. Focus on the truth, on the long game, on the value of fidelity. It will be a struggle and we might fail. His arms of forgiveness will never falter or fail, but sin damages us. So, if we have been given the tools and the power of God to resist, then claim that and stand firm. Every little victory makes us stronger. And like a muscle, the more often we resist and win, the stronger the resilience becomes. Let’s become overcomers in Christ!

Spiritual Blessings,
Pastor John