“Ask. Believe. Trust.” – Pastor’s Pen – January 2022

I love the expression “to err is human, to forgive is divine”. The Bible is full of stories of people who have lost their way. We all have moments when trusting God is hard. We all fall down. But what makes the difference is being able to reach out our hands and let God pick us back up again. This is what sets the Christian faith apart—-the hand of forgiveness that asks for nothing in return. So, when doubt starts to rise up within us and faith grows faint, remember that it’s normal. Many great men and women of faith have experienced much worse—and fallen much farther. Trust Jesus to do what He came to do. To forgive, restore, and strengthen us. That is the beating heart of a vibrant faith. Know that Christ is good and wants good things for us. It all hinges on quiet trust and humble faith. Jesus said that if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer:

“If you embrace this kingdom life and don’t doubt God, you’ll not only do minor feats like I did to the fig tree, but also triumph over huge obstacles… Absolutely everything, ranging from small to large, as you make it a part of your believing prayer, gets included as you lay hold of God” (Matthew 21:21,22 msg)

Ask. Believe. Trust God. Develop a childlike dependence and trust that Christ will provide and always be beside you. It is the hallmark of a champion.

Have a wonderful and blessed New Year!
Pastor John