Katie Mae Sawyer provides an update on her Mission work in Paraguay during our November 20, 2022 service. Click Here…
Psalm 51:10 and Matthew 15: 10-20 serve as the foundation for Pastor John’s message on November 6, 2022, titled “Confronting…
Deuteronomy 15: 1-11 and Acts 4: 32-37 serve as a solid foundation for Pastor John’s October 30, 2022 message, titled…
Pastor John uses Luke 6: 17-26 and I John 4: 1-6 as scripture references for his October 23, 2022 message,…
Pastor John uses Joshua 21: 43-45 and Acts 13: 26-33 as the foundation for his October 16, 2022 message, titled…
Pastor John uses Leviticus 19: 17-18 and Luke 10: 25-37as the foundation for his October 9, 2022 message, titled “Who…
Pastor John uses Acts 8: 26-40 as the foundation for his message on October 2, 2022, titled “Philip The Servant”.…
Pastor John bases his message for September 25, 2022, titled “What Shall We Do?” on John 1: 1-9 and Luke…
Pastor John uses Luke 18: 18-30 and Mark 10: 2-16 as the foundation for his September 18, 2022 message, titled…
Numbers 13: 17-20, 26-30 and 14: 1-4 serve as the foundation for Pastor John’s message on September 4, 2022, titled…