“Say a word, and my servant shall be healed” (Luke 7: 7)
What is a man’s word worth today? Nothing grips me more than empty promises made by repairmen, contractors, salesmen, or for that matter, friends. “It will be done tomorrow,” he says.
You take him at his word. You drive the distance to his shop only to hear, “It’s not ready yet,” and you come to the bitter conclusion that you were only being strung along.
You and I don’t like being strung along by anyone for any length of time. And we have been “taken” so often by the business world and by friends (I use that word “friends” quite loosely). Therefore, we might fault with God for stringing us along with something that is very important to us, such as: Will our dear sick one get better? Will I grow in faith? Will I carry out my desire to be a better Christian?
We make our requests known in prayer to our Lord on Sunday morning and expect an answer by Sunday afternoon. And when it takes a while to see God’s answer to our prayers in our life, we might accuse him of stringing us along.
So, I will rephrase the initial question: What is God’s Word worth today? Can it be taken to mean something? Will God’s promise mean action in my life?
Jesus simply had to speak the word, and the centurion’s servant would be healed. That is what the centurion believed, and it was enough for him. And if Jesus chose to carry out his request in a miracle form, that is the way it would be done.
When we take our broken hearts, lives, and souls to the repairman from Nazareth, results are guaranteed. They will be long lasting because Jesus is God. He has earned our salvation by his death on Calvary’s cross. He is also our Good Shepherd.
We won’t be put off with our problems when we go to Jesus for a solution. We won’t be put down because our names do not carry any weight. Jesus knows us by name. Nor will we be put to the bottom of the list. Jesus plays no favorites.
Jesus’ word means action in our life. Action now….and for eternity.
Have a great November and keep trusting the Lord in your lives.
Pastor John