When we operate outside of love, it can drain and destroy so much good in our lives. In my own life, I know that when I get angry, unforgiving, or unkind, ultimately it saps all my energy. Negativity is a heavy weight to carry.
But if we always do our best to act in love and to seek God’s truth in our lives, then we grow in character and freedom. We enjoy all the benefits of aligning ourselves with the greatest source of love and goodness in the universe. Operating in this way takes courage, commitment, tenacity and perseverance. But the worthwhile things in life always do. That’s why putting in the positive fuel to our hearts and minds really matters every day. So, let’s together be relentless in our determination to stay on the path that leads to life and to be on our guard always against the forces that try to pull us away from relationship and truth.
“Place these words on your heart. Get them inside you – teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting home or walking in the street: Talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night”.
Deuteronomy 8: 18-19 (Message)
Have a wonderful October,
Pastor John